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Monday, February 14, 2011


  • canoodle
  • audio pronunciation
  • \kuh-NOO-dul\
: to engage in amorous embracing, caressing, and kissing
Chaperones watched for couples attempting to sneak under the gymnasium's bleachers to canoodle.

ref:  Merriam-Webster online

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


The word of the day is adroit: \ə-ˈdrȯit\Adroit means having or showing skill, cleverness, or resourcefulness in handling situations.

President Obama is an adroit leader.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


ELUDE: Elude means to avoid adroitly : evade : defy

The better part of me eludes me. I so wish that I could find her and learn from her wisdom.....jenny reed

Thursday, February 3, 2011


"Go down Moses, way down in Egypt land. Tell ole Pharoah to let my people go."
Is it just me or does anyone else find it truly amazing that the last week is the first that we are hearing of discontent in Egypt. It is almost as though all of a sudden someone got an idea that they wanted to be "free." I thought that they were already free. What is really going on and for how long has it been going on? How long has this disgruntled spirit been erupting in Egypt? How long has our country been giving them millions of dollars in aid? And what the HELL for? We are having all kinds of financial problems and woes in America. But we always seem to have enough money to prop up other countries' militaries. I know that it is in the name of national security. But, if we just shored up our own military with the money we give away each year to Afghanistan, Egypt and whoever else, then no one would dare think to cross our borders.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Should Parents Spy on Children?

As part of my morning routine, I listen to CNN news and watch when I can while preparing to leave for work. On this particular morning, CNN featured a story of a gentleman who has prepared a CD on how to spy on your children. He went into detail about possible hiding places for drugs and even small weapons. Hmmm? I thought. This looks more like a scene from a James Bond movie than someone in their teen's room. Has my children ever hidden drugs for themselves or others right under my nose and I didn't have a clue? Have they ever had a weapon for whatever the reason in their possession without me ever being the wiser? The possibility exist because of human nature alone and our desire at times to walk on the wild side. All I can really say is I really don't know and for that matter may never know unless I now ask the soon to be 17, 29, 25, 22 year old twins  have they ever done such a thing? Did I go through their things at times when they were not home? Yes I did. Did I ever find anything that was most disturbing? No I did not. Perhaps they were children who dared not cross me or perhaps they were better at hiding than I was at seeking. Perhaps they were children who tried as best they could to represent the values that I taught them. Perhaps they were just lucky and never got caught. Nonetheless, for the most part, while I did trust them, I felt it my responsibility to protect them from poor choices and decisions until such time they reached the age of legal accountability. From that point, I would simply keep praying for them daily. Should a parent spy? Never did I consider what I did spying. It was standard procedure and my children were well aware that the possibility existed at anytime. Sometimes they were even present for the shake down. Remember those Saturday mornings when we cleaned out every nook and cranny in the room?

Friday, January 28, 2011


..and walk a road of peace....

jenny reed 1/28/2011