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Thursday, January 6, 2011

One Step FORWARD, and TWO Steps BACK!

Today I received what I would describe as one of the most offensive, insulting and degrading text messages from a well intentioned female friend. I will not describe the details of the message as I do not want to pass on what I myself was offended by. But I will give some general overview of what the message held, only so much as it will take to get my point across.  The message included some pray which asked the "Lord" for eternal beauty with hopes of gravity never having an effect. Well, Marilyn Monroe had eternal beauty as she died very young.  Aaliyah, an up and coming musical artist had eternal beauty, dying by the tender age of 25 years old. You get my point. The message went on to give women tips on what things to extract from a man in order to have all of her needs met.  It even suggested that you have multiple partners that were unaware of each other to ensure that none of your plans were interrupted.  That is about all that I can say of the message without becoming nauseated. It was suggested that I find this amusing. But that was far from what I found.  How long will woman sell our souls for the next hair do, the pedicure, manicure, new dress, new car, etc. etc. bought by someone other than us or our husband.  I am not apart of the club that says get everything that you can out of a man since that is what he is there for. I am not that woman and I am not a member of that sisterhood. I don't think that it is okay for women to be the mistress to a married man because he supplies her with niceties and at times, great wealth. Do what you like but don't invite me to your party. I am not humored when I hear women say, "girl, I don't care what he does as long as he brings his check home, or when I hear men reference women as perpetual shoppers with no other meaning for their lives than chasing their next fix at the newest mall in town.  But this is more about what we as women do to ourselves in perpetuating stereotypes and painting the  picture of a very needy, brainless idiot who can be pacified by the material things that men buy them and the hope for eternal beauty.   I deleted the message without passing it on to another women and dare suggest to her that the contents were either funny or relevant to her life.....

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